
(If you panic from information overload, or for screenshots long enough to post somewhere.)

Still on my to-do list: Server-side logic to output and to digest gathered vote records and generate a ranking report with each vote normalized to its total of weights. For the time being, this is only a showcase run all on your device. If you want to post your personal evaluation somewhere in the meantime, use page-capturing / full-page screenshot tools of your browser (e.g. Firefox: :screenshot --fullpage --clipboard in the web developer console, tested with Firefox version 120). Don't forget to hide the introductory text and the items with the respective buttons, so the image height limit of the tool is not exceeded. techno battle 2024

Here you can configure the aspects of evaluation, best before you listen to the tracks more closely, yet you should have played them to get an "overview" (or -hear). You can set thumbs and weight separately. Yes/No questions will be answered best with a single thumb but may be thrice important to you compared to aspects you give simple weight. How many thumbs, checks, smilies, bees, grace-points-of-hell or whatever you want to give in regard to an aspect if one is not enough, is up to you. You do not need to follow some national school-marking standard and you can label the levels to your free liking and discretion (labels are not of interest actually).

Your preferences are only to simplify evaluation for your mind. The report logic will normalize it so all votes are comparable and the voting summary will not get distorted much. Normalization is done by summing the checks per item and aspect, dividing the sum by each maximum number of checks set in the preferences, multiply the relation with the weight you set. The products of every aspect per item are summed. The sums for every item are divided again by their maximum, so the best one is 1 and none can be greater.

Aspects with a minimum weight of one have been set so by the competition host.

Voting preferences

To remove optional aspects, set weight to 0, then checks too. With a weight greater than 0, there must be at least one check.

Is it techno in your ears?
How do you like the arrangement?
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title?

Crucial to understand essential functioning before the vote

As the server logic (assembling of voting record) is not yet working, it is not relevant. You may just skip it. Whoever interested stand the destractions from reading long texts online, read on.

Both the order of the items and the set of regarded aspects only will be stored on the server and associated with the vote, for these data items are not person-related and therefore EU/GDPR jurisdiction or alike does probably not apply and regimes would need to find other violations to governmental-take-down Transparanking instances used for things no longer that harmless as items of art. Might be wrong, I am not a lawyer. Questioning that may lead to your decision not to take part. Beyond that, nothing would happen.

The substantial data associated with a (battle, item) tuple is encoded readably in the textual vote record that you need to publish in the social media thread where the competition is run, and where the service terms of those who technically host the platform apply – that may be a mastodon instance, some dubios TranspaRanking facebook (more likely than app, a web 1.5 bulletin board, or whatever. The competition host must find it easily when the voting booth is closed and they gather the votes and generate the report.

The vote record again does not technically reveal to which items the evaluation relate. Word any verbal comments with proper care so you do not reveal relations by accident. Verbal comments will be published in the final report page and associated to them items on the sole discretion of the competition host, so make sure they are polite and respectful and true, as neutral as possible.

The first datum of the vote record is a hashed and salted HMAC checksum. If the record is tampered with, the checking algorithm will choke on it and the vote will finally not be included in the report. So, you need to trust the Transparanking implementation run, and also trust the administration of where the competition is promoted and the vote records are stored.

At least anyone can re-verify their own and others' published vote records at any time and place: The generate report facility is closed as long as the competition is open for votes, but following the error message it tells you if any gathered and entered vote records are invalid or missing. Missing number only counts the records of the invited votes for which a hashed and salted pass phrase have been set by their voters.

Asking for an one-time invite-token from the competition host before you vote has important consequences if you get it and use it here. Technically it is not needed, but you may loose vote weight depending on the amount of the invited votes in the bucket and the mind of the competition host. Be assured that the system is designed so that noone can tell who uses a certain invite-code which is why it is at least communicated via secret channels. In the official Transparanking implementation, Using an invite-code leads to nothing else than it being deleted from the list of available invite-codes on the server.

Advantages of an invite-token and setting a pass phrase:

Why are there invitations possible at all? Transparanking is not about fairness. It is all about transparency. The competition host must reflect their attitude to fairness and how important it is to them that bots, at least too simple bots, are not able to distort results.

Items to evaluate

<= Press the shuffle button at least once. This is crucial so that the vote record published does not reveal too much. Don't forget to keep comments, where given at all, short and neutral, best choose adjectives only. No gear questions, no assumptions concerning the competitor, no implications relatable to the voter – so far it is your responsibility. With the toggle button you can hide and unhide the items, e.g. to take screenshots in order to reproduce your selection later.


Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Low Gravity Circus

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)


Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Sekt & Erdbeeren

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Washington Street

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Novy Svet 38501

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Push it

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)


Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Filament Flummi

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)


Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Chirring Crickets Rave

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Hardware Love

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)


Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Code Request

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

4Anaesthetic Bay

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)


Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Stark bewölkt

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

plate techtonics

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Es gibt nur einen Weg

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Jorge De Guzmán - Cromo Rojo

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Midnight Serenade

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

harfge p3l

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Se Däschnœ

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

schöne Sonne

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Hot Days Cool Knights

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

This is the water

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Moulin Vert

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)


Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Kurz vor knapp

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

running out of time

Is it techno in your ears?
Neutral, short, adjectives, no implications or questions. Can be left empty of course.
How do you like the arrangement?
ditto, s.a.
Is the mix okay?
How do you like the way the track is mastered?
How creative is the title? (just informational)

Personal ranking

Based on what you input, we can calculate on your device your "personal" ranking. You see on top what to check in some technically simpler poll to which the competition thread may be associated. The TranspaRanking project maintainer is primarily inspired by the XenForo poll thread type horribly inappropriate for what he deems would deserve the term "competition" or "battle". It is of not much use if the participants have spread their reasoning of their vote all over the place, to be found or not, just the case that they have given any. he hopes to get the creators more learning and reflection opportunity than just a higher or lower self-esteem score, by having the voters concentrate on detailed criteria and check on these explicitly, on what they like or rather dislike in an artpiece or whatever the items of a competition be, relieving them from the burden to roughly reckon and calculate things and conclude them in the head.

(Work in progress, buggy. Except items without any checks. Click or ranking to update it, but it should do automatically on changes.)


    By clicking the button below, you declare understanding and acknowledgement that all inputs are submitted, but only the following is stored in the database of this TranspaRanking server instance, as it can do so without EU/GDPR hassles because it is not associated with the voter personally:

    for you to publish yourself in the competition thread linked above. The record will contain everything else. Without the record published, your voice is void. Invited: If you change a vote, you should replace the vote record in the thread or post it as new vote. The old record will not be reported as missing/invalid.

    Frequently asked questions

    Invited: How to change or revoke (delete) my vote?

    Simply load this page with all inputs reset. Input your passphrase in the field "invite-token" before the generate record button. Clicking the generate record button that will be renamed to "reload vote" will load the page with all inputs preset.